A one-day 9-hole stage race where the lowest cumulative score wins
June 28th, 2025
Creekside Trails, Valparaiso, IN
Event Overview
Don’t let the name fool you, there’s no clubs or balls involved. This is a trail running endurance challenge like no other! The object of the game? Complete the routes with the lowest cumulative score and you win. Simple enough. But wait, “score”? Don’t you mean “time"? Not quite…
Here’s how it works: At the top of each hour everyone will start the same route, or “Hole”, of about 3-4 miles in length. Depending on the time window you finish in, you’ll receive a stroke score (“Birdie”, “Par”, “Bogey”, etc). 9 Holes in total for the 50k, 3 Holes for the 10-miler. Like in golf, the goal is to have the lowest score.
The time windows have been calculated for each Hole and are based on the total distance covered and overall pace (see table below). For example, if you run 10-12min/mile pace for each hole, you’ll be hitting Par. For scoring, “Eagle” is always 2 strokes, “Birdie” gets you 3, “Par” is 4, and so on.
50K & 10M starts with Hole 1 at 9:00 AM
On average, each hole has about 190ft of gain with a total of 1700ft for the 50k and about 500ft for the 10M
The time between finishing a hole and the start of the next is your time to rest, refuel, and receive aid from your support crew, or “Caddies”, before the next “Tee Off”
Everyone starts each Hole at the designated Tee Time (see table above). No one may tee off early.
You may tee off late (up to 10 min), but everyone’s official start time will be at the top of the hour (Tee Time), regardless of when they actually start
If you skip a Hole (DNS) or do not completely finish it (DNF), you will be given an automatic Triple Bogey, a stroke score of 7
In the event of a tie in score, the tiebreaker will go to the runner or team with the lowest cummulative time on course
Runners are responsible for their own aid, but we will have water, Tailwind, and coffee available for RUNNERS ONLY
Runners will be able to setup a small tent/canopy (no larger than 10’x10’) for themselves and their caddies (support crew) within 50 yards of the start/finish
Once you are on course, you are not allowed any aid from your caddies or otherwise
There will be no aid or water stops on course. Carry any hydration or fuel you may need with you
Runners must remain on the designated course for each Hole. If you veer off course, you must return to the spot at which you left the course to continue, or risk a 2 stroke penalty, at minimum.
If you choose not to continue, you must inform the race crew and turn in your tracking device before leaving the premises
For Relay Runners:
Relay teams may be made of 2 or 3 runners
Only 1 runner from a team may be on course at a time
You are not required to rotate through your team in any consistent order, nor are you required to evenly divide up the Holes. Each teammate may run as many or a few Holes as they prefer.

Trail Golf in the News

The registration fee includes a beautiful, fully marked race course (by the Race Director), awesome staging venue, parking, timing and results, live GPS tracking, full service aid station, communications, custom finisher awards, special awards to the top 3 male & female finishers and top teams at each distance, professional photography and several other essential services and requirements we don't need to mention.
The registration fee does not include a race shirt, hat or other add-on sales. Please review the Trailblazer Running Cancellation Policy if you have questions about withdrawing from the race.
Youth Trail Running
In support of the USATF Mountain, Ultra, and Trail Running Youth Initiative, a program in cooperation with the American Trail Running Association (ATRA) to promote youth trail running, special age-based pricing for the Trail Golf Endurance Challenge will be available for all runners age 19 and under. Use code YOUTH at checkout to save 50% off registration
This discount is for runners age 19 and under ONLY.
DO NOT use if you are over the age of 19 - your registration will be cancelled.
The Youth category also has a limited number of free entries available by request. Email the Race Director (info@trailblazerrunning.co) for more information.
Now part of the Trail Mix Fund!
In an effort to improve diversity in trail racing and remove a potential barrier for the under-served and under-represented, the Trail Mix Fund pays the race registration fee for runners who cannot afford it or aren’t sure they belong in the sport.
As an optional add-on during race registration you can choose to donate to the TMF and help more people get to the starting line. Donors will receive special recognition at our races and discounts on Trailblazer merch on race day! 😁
Event Partners
Event Sponsors
Race Information
Start Times
Saturday in June 28th, 2025
9:00 AM - Hole #1 Tee Off (first round starts for 50k & 10M)
12:15 PM - Awards for 10M
6:15 PM - Awards for 50K
Start/Finish Line Location
Trailyard Outpost
2651 Clifford Rd
Valparaiso, IN 46385
Packet Pickup
Friday in June, 2025
Early Packet Pickup 4:00-6:00PM
Friday Location:
Trailyard Outpost
2651 Clifford Rd
Valparaiso, IN 46385
Saturday in June, 2025
Race Day Pickup 7:00-8:45AM
*Please arrive at least 30min before the start of your race
Saturday Location:
Trailyard Outpost
2651 Clifford Rd
Valparaiso, IN 46385
Aid Stations
There will be no aid or water stops provided on course. Runners are responsible for their own aid. Bring a cooler or bag with whatever fuel you need throughout the day. Carry any hydration or fuel you may need on course with you. We will have water, ice, Tailwind (electrolyte drink), and coffee, bananas, watermelon, and other salty/sweet snacks available near the start/finish. Around noon we’ll start grilling up some burgers and such (think Summer cookout)
Cupless Event
We feel so fortunate to make the outdoors our passion and we want to continue to keep the trails we enjoy beautiful and free from trash. In an effort to minimize our footprint and preserve the trails we love, the 2025 Trail Golf Endurance Challenge will be a cupless event.
What does that mean? There will be no paper/plastic cups available for water, soda, electrolyte drink, etc. at this race (the restaurant will have their own glassware). Runners will be responsible for carrying their own containers to refill. Grab a cup, a hydration vest, pouch, or reusable water bottle and fill it up near the start/finish. We ask you to help us in our efforts by preparing for a cup-free race day and thank you in advance for being good stewards of the trails!
We’re currently working on a plan for parking. It may involving shuttling from a nearby lot, as we won’t be able to utilize Trailyard’s lot this year. In any case, parking will have no fee. Please plan to carpool if possible, as parking may limited. A site map will be provided in pre-race email communications to all registered participants.
Trailblazer Running is a proud supporter of Runners for Public Lands. RPL is a 501(c)(3) organization focused on building a movement of runners dedicated to equitable access, stewardship and protection of the urban and rural environments we run in
To find out more or donate directly, visit runnersforpubliclands.org/donate
See what commitments we’ve made to help provide women the race day they deserve.
ITRA partnered event. Discounted entry fees for members.
Race Day
Race day check-in is required of all runners and opens at 7:00am till 7:45am. Runners can pick up their race bibs and swag at the race staging area next to Trailyard Outpost.
Check the latest local weather HERE. June temperatures typically range from warm to HOT, with daytime highs anywhere from the 70-90°F range and morning lows in the 50-60°F range. Rain is unlikely, but not impossible. Staying hydrated will be key for this race.
At Trailblazer Running we strive to create and foster a culture of inclusivity. We will accept each entrant’s declared gender at face value, and no additional supporting evidence is required. Entrants may register as Male, Female, or Non-Binary for our races. In addition, we provide an opportunity in the registration process for transgender and non-binary runners to express their desired pronouns.
All finishers will receive a custom finisher’s award
The top 3 male & female finishers and top teams at each distance with the lowest combined scores will receive a special podium award in addition to their finisher’s award. At this time there will be no additional awarding in the non-binary category. For more info on this, please reference our Transgender & Non-Binary Runner Policy.
In the event of a tie in score, the tiebreaker will be the runner or team with the lowest cumulative time on course
You’ll receive a Double Bogey (6 strokes).
If you complete it within 10min past the hour and are ready to start the next hole, you’ll be allowed to continue (you’ll just have less time to complete the next hole so you’ll want to pick up the pace).
If you come in after 10min past the hour, or do not start the next hole by then, you’ll receive an automatic Triple Bogey (7 strokes) and will have to wait till the start of the following hole to continue, if you choose to.
No. Everyone starts the same hole together at the same time
Yes. We’ll have some light snacks and fruit (think basic ultra aid station fare) available near the water station for throughout the day for all runners. We’ll start serving grilled burgers and such around noon. The Trailyard restaurant may or may not be fully open by race day, so that may be an option for you as well (food from Trailyard is not included in the race fee)
Runners and their caddies (support crew) may bring in whatever food and drinks they may need throughout the day. You can bring a cooler/bag and place it under your tent or resting area for this purpose.
Email the Race Director at info@trailblazerrunning.co with your question
General Information
Friendly, leashed dogs are allowed at the event staging area and aid stations, but not along the course or running in the race.
We post updates and photos and other race-related info on the Trailblazer Running Facebook page and Instagram account fairly often. Just hit the 'like' button or “follow” us to receive updates.
All event photography will be captured by the talented Thad Donovan of Smith Donovan Marketing & Communications!